Palm Street Web

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Web Design for Electricians

So maybe you’re an electrician and you’re not sure if you need a website. Or maybe you do know that you need one but don’t know where to start. Why would you? You’re an electrician! You shouldn’t be expected to understand all the web tech. This article is here to help YOU!

Wanna know why this electrician is unhappy? It’s cause he doesn’t have a website.

Did you know that 86% of people use the Internet to find local businesses? Guess what? As an electrician or electrician company, you’re a local business! Having a professional-looking, easy-to-use website is crucial to getting the attention — and business — of people looking for local electrician services online.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at web design for electricians and cover topics like:

  1. Why having a website is important

  2. Where to start with an electrician website

  3. What website services entail

  4. Other services that could benefit your business

Palm Street Web is an experienced web design and digital marketing boutique. We’ve designed and built websites for clients all over and we pride ourselves on helping people grow their businesses through our services. Contact us to learn more!

Want to speak with us? Start a live chat with us.

Or, keep reading to learn more about websites for electricians!

Is a website for electricians important?

Did you know that over 70% of people research companies online before deciding to buy from them or visit them? We don’t live in the 90s anymore. People don’t have giant phonebooks lying around that they find contractors in. Having an effective website in the 2020s is essential to standing out to these potential customers.

So if you were on the fence as to weather you need a website or not, you now know that it’s not just something that would be nice to have, it’s an ABSOLUTE NEED for any small business.

Wanna know why this electrician is so happy? It’s because he just got a website. (It is not advisable to cut wires while looking away and smiling like this)

Having a modern designed website that is optimized will help you rank better when someone is searching for your services on sites like Google. So if someone searching something like “electrician in San Francisco,” your optimized website can be one of the first things they see in the results.

Your website also sets the first impression of you and the business you are running and many of the factors that impact that first impression are related to your websites design.

If someone likes your website and what you have to offer, they will likely click around the site and potentially become a customer. And you know as an electrician how important it is to win that customer. After you get your first job for a new customer, they could become a customer for life!

If you’re website creates a negative first impression, they may quickly check out your competition’s website and not hire you. Your website is your digital storefront and the truth is, most people live online most of the time!

A well designed website that is easy to navigate and responds quickly makes a huge difference when it comes to how many leads and customers you end up getting. You want to make sure that it’s easy and fast for visitors to view what services you offer, where you are located, and how to get in touch with you.

How to get started with an electrician website

So you now know you NEED a website. But how do you go about creating an electrician services website that drives results? Here are a few steps that are important when it comes to getting started:

1. Set goals for your website

Goals are important for you to outline. What do you want to accomplish with your site? Do you want more leads? Do you want more brand awareness? Do you want to land new customers? Do you want current customers to be able to find you quickly? These are all things you need to know before you jump in. Having clear goals for your website helps you to take steps needed to meet those goals!

2. Choose a domain name

Your domain name is an incredibly important feature. It’s like the address of your digital storefront. For example if your electrician company name is Parker Electrical, a great domain name would be But maybe that name is already taken by an electrician somewhere in another city. There are other options you could consider. In fact, did you know you don’t have to be a .com? There are many different domain extensions you could choose from. You could use .electrical instead of .com! So now your website could be www.parker.electrical

If you need help finding the perfect domain, reach out to us. Domain purchases is something included with all of our website packages at no extra cost.

3. Get a web host

What’s a web host you might ask. A web host is a server where all your website data will be stored. There are many different web hosts you could choose from. Some people decide to do a shared website hosting while other choose a dedicated server for their website. Some hosting providers also offer cloud hosting which increases reliability while also being cost effective. If one server goes down, the others will continue running so your website never goes offline.

With all of our website packages we take care of all the web hosting for you at no additional cost.

4. Know what design style you like

It’s important for you as the business owner to know what features your website needs and what design style works best for your business type.

It may be helpful to have a look at some of your competitors website and see what they are doing well with their website and other areas where you think you can do better.

The core elements of any site are a clean design and functional navigation which get’s the visitor to a Services page and Contact page when they want to reach out to you. Your website might be very simple as an electrician or it might be more complex depending on how many services you offer.

5. What pages you need

It’s important to know what pages you will need for your website. For electrician websites, there are usually four pages that are needed:

  1. A home page

  2. An about us page

  3. A services page

  4. A contact us page

As you can tell, these pages are pretty self explanatory and each serve a specific purpose when it comes to giving your visitor the information they are looking for. You can always add additional pages to these basic four!

6. Make sure your website works before launching it!

Before you go live with your new website, be sure to test it thoroughly by opening it in all major browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge. It’s also incredibly important to test your website on multiple types of devices including laptops, tablets, and mobile phones.

You’re too busy to worry about your website working properly

Did you know that 63% of all Google searches are done on a mobile phone? That means that your next customer is most likely to be searching for you on their mobile phone. This means your website needs to work and look perfect on any iPhone or Android device!

At Palm Street, we specialize in creating websites that work seamlessly across desktop, tablet and mobile.

Once you’ve tested everything and it works great across all devices, it’s time to go live!!

Website services for electricians

When it comes to website design and management, it’s best to work with a professional. As an electrician, you shouldn’t be expect to know how to design, build and maintain a website. You’re busy enough running the more important aspects of your business!

The truth is your website is the location of your online presence, so it’s a worthwhile investment. A professional web designer can create an electrician services website that attracts the right customers, keeps their attention, and help you grow your electrician business.

When you choose a website partner like Palm Street Web, you’ll get the following:

  1. Monthly site management: When we build a website for you, you’re not just getting a one time designer that walks away when the job is done. We become your website partner and will make any changes to your website anytime at no additional charge.

  2. Modern design: We’ll create a custom website style for you based on your business needs. Did we mention we design your website for FREE?

  3. Responsive website: Our websites are fast and seamless across any screen. This means your website will look great on a desktop, laptop, tablet or phone.

  4. Unlimited page creation: Need more web pages? No problem. We’ll create as many pages as you’d like.

  5. Search engine optimization (SEO): We always follow best practices for SEO in all of our website design work to help your site rank as high up as possible on Google and other search engines.

  6. Logo design: Starting your plumbing business? We’ll design your logo for FREE. Yep, we’re serious. It’s included with every website package we offer.

Some other website related services we offer:

  1. Google Ads Management: We can build, manage and maintain a Google Ads campaign to drive more traffic to your business.

  2. Virtual Receptionist: One of the biggest problems plumbers have is missing phone calls. When you miss a phone call, your potential customer is going to call your competitor. We can set up a virtual receptionist who will take phone calls in your behalf 24/7/365 so you never miss a phone call again!

At Palm Street Web, we’re dedicated to helping you and your small business thrive!

We can take the web and tech stress off your shoulders

How much will a website cost me for my small business?

Most web design companies will charge small businesses from $2500-$10,000 just to design a website! This doesn’t include annual maintenance costs which they will charge from between $400-$1200 per year. To us that’s a little crazy.

We design your website completely FREE and charge a reasonable monthly retainer to be your web partner and manage any issues/changes to the website that you want at any time.

Website design for plumbers from Palm Street

At Palm Street, we design, build and manage websites that get results.

Ready to get started on your electrician services website? Contact us or start a chat with us here on our website!